Homer, Alaska - the end of the road!

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Touring the 'end of the road' city

As the bus pulls over the crest of the hill above Homer, you are met with a glorious view of Kachemak Bay. The peaks of the Kenai Mountain range line the far side of the deep, blue Bay and the four-mile Homer Spit cuts through its waters. On a clear day, you can see Mt. Augustine - an active volcano on the Aleutian Chain.

Homer is known primarily for its halibut, which are some of the biggest in the world. The Jackpot Halibut Derby runs from May1st to Labor Day and draws sports fishermen from many countries. And fishing for King and silver salmon in the Homer Spit Lagoon is also quite popular.

Not interesting in fishing? Take a boat tour of the Bay instead. Kachemak Bay is rich with wildlife. Orcas, otters, seals, puffins, and eagles are just a few of the animals that live in the Bay.

Homer is also home to a large community of artists, including potters, sculptors, painters, and jewelers. Take some time to wander down Pioneer Avenue and explore the beautiful crafts they have to offer.

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We provide comfortable and safe transportation for all of your group needs. We travel all over Alaska! When you need chartered, safe and comfortable transportation for your scenic, educational or sport group Alaska Toby Motorcoach can handle it!

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Address: 2020 W 36th Avenue #7
City,St, ZIP: Anchorage, Alaska 99517
Telephone: (907) 227-8750
FAX: (907) 677-7935
Mobile: (907) 748-6177
E-mail: alaskamotorcoach@gci.net